Programmer Analyst
Meditab Group
MERN stack E-commerce Clothing Application built with React, Redux, Node Js
Practical 12- Developing Advanced Real Time Facial Recognition Employee Attendance System
Data-Science Series - Data Pre-processing tasks using python
Predict the Gender and Age Using OpenCV in Python
Data-Science - Getting started with Neo4j and Gephi Tool
Data-Science - Perform Data Analytics using Power BI using the given dataset
Data-Science - Consume data with Power BI and how to build a simple dashboard
Data-Science -Introduction to PowerBI and get started with PowerBI.
Data-Science (Part 6)-Discretization, Continuation, Normalization, Randomization on the data
Data-Science Series - Visual Programming with Orange Tool
Data-Science Series - Introduction to Orange Tool
Data-Science Series-II Data Preprocessing
Web-Scraping - Data Science
Multiple Student Attendance Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients using Dlib and Django Framework
Student Attendance System Using Face Recognition
During Summer Internship — Developing A Dynamic Website For A Club