A facial recognition system is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame against a database of faces, typically employed to authenticate users through ID verification services, works by pinpointing and measuring facial features from a given image.
In this demo we will predict the age group and gender of the person under the testing data. You can get source code from here.
Application of Facial Recognition:
Security companies are using facial recognition to secure their premises.
Immigration checkpoints use facial recognition to enforce smarter border control.
Fleet management companies can use face recognition to secure their vehicles.
Ride-sharing companies can use facial recognition to ensure the right passengers are picked up by the right drivers.
IoT benefits from facial recognition by allowing enhanced security measures and automatic access control at home.
Age detection is often implemented as a two-stage process:
Stage 1: Recognize faces in the input image.
Stage 2. Extract the face Region of Interest (ROI) and use the age detector method to estimate the person’s age.
Any face detector capable of generating bounding boxes for faces in an image can be used for
Stage 1. The bounding box coordinates of the face in the picture are produced by the face detector.
Stage 2 involves determining the person’s age.
We extract the face ROI first, disregarding the remainder of the image/frame, using the bounding box (x, y)-coordinates of the face.
As a result, the age detector can concentrate simply on the person’s face and ignore any other distracting “noise” in the image.
After that, the face ROI is fed into the model, providing the real age prediction.
The Whole Process Flow is given below.
Import necessary libraries and connect colab to drive.
Obtaining Coordinates for Bounding Boxes
Load Model and weight files.
create Age and gender List.
This function will predict Gender and Age Of input image.
No person found hence no prediction.
upload a sample photo.
We learnt how to make an Age predictor that can also recognize your face and highlight it with a border in this blog.
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